HOT PRODUCT TODAY-Antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 Eiche massiv B 120 cm
##where to buy - Antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 Eiche massiv B 120 cm
Antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 Eiche massiv B 120 cm
One of a typical own products have been todays adorn the sidereal day - your day . Antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 Eiche massiv B 120 cm is one product the is limited . The process of market place demand that much, it will certainly create Antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 Eiche massiv B 120 cm will quickly sold out. Antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 Eiche massiv B 120 cm is engineered with the total particulars for your gizmo in use. A appliance that has a substantial gustatory perception, so you will be calm in using it. Antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 Eiche massiv B 120 cm I extremely can't help but recommend , and some patients besides strongly recommend .
On sale now at cheap price, special discounts and easy shipping. I am extremely pleased with their features and recommend it to everyone needing for a high quality item with the useful features at an affordable. You can read review from customers to find out more through their experience. Antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 Eiche massiv B 120 cm has worked wonders for me and I wish it will do wonders on you too. So why waste any more time? Enjoy it, you know where to buy the best ones.
Some people reviews speak that the Antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 Eiche massiv B 120 cm are splendid luggage. Also, It Is a pretty well product for the price. Its great for colony on a tight budget. Weve found pros and cons on this type of product. But overall, Its a supreme product and we are well recommend it! When you however want to know more details on this product, so read the reports of those who have already used it.
Die antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 im Historismus ist aus massiver Eiche gefertigt.
Die Garderobe ist mit einer durchbrochenen Rückwand versehen.
Die Rückwand ist mit Schnitzereien aus der Neorenaissance verziert und mit sechs Garderobenhaken bestückt.
Eine florale Bekrönung mit einem Löwen bildet oben einen harmonischen Abschluß.
Ein Spiegel mit Facettenschliff in Form eines Wappens wird von einem mit floralen Schnitzereien verzierten Holzrahmen umrahmt.
Unterhalb des Spiegels befindet sich eine kleine Klappbox und zwei Schirmständer an den Seiten.
Historismus um 1880
Eiche massiv
6 Garderobenhaken
1 Spiegel mit Facettenschliff
1 Klappbox
2 Schirmständer
Die Garderobe ist in unserer Fachwerkstatt restauriert worden und befindet sich in einem guten wohnfertigen Zustand.
H: 231 cm; B: 120 cm; T: 38 cm
Gerne können Sie die Garderobe in unserem Geschäft 'Antike Fundgrube' mit 3000 m² Ausstellungsfläche in 48599 Gronau besichtigen, Telefon 02562 5180.
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Where Can Get this One Antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 Eiche massiv B 120 cm?
You can get the best Price of Antike Wandgarderobe um 1880 Eiche massiv B 120 cm. We recommend you to buy via this offer from A m a z o n, the biggest and also trustworthy online shop in the world and you will get the best to meet your needs.
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